Md Belal Uddin

Basic Info

  • Name
    Md Belal Uddin

  • Gender

  • Religion

  • Nationality

  • Address
    House#4, Road#4, Block-c, Noboday Housing., Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Job Information

  • Job Type
    Full Time

  • Skill Level
    Expert level

  • Highest Education
    M.Com, LLB., FCGA

  • Job Category
    Accounting Finance, accounting-finance

  • Department
    Accounts & Finance

  • Present Salary

  • Expected Salary

  • Preferred Area

Md Belal Uddin

Career Objective

Occupational with Accounting, Financing, Budgetary Control & Cost Analyzing, MIS, ERP, Tax & Vat, Labor & Land Law and Company Affairs’ expert with 20 years of experience that includes spearheading Admin and Sales Analysis for top Industrial Company.
Organizational Design and Develop, Workforce Planning, Business Planning, Production & Cost planning, Training & Development and Change Management.
Well networked in the industry and connected to certification and relevant Govt. bodies.

Talented in problem solving and office system design.
Efficient, Hard worker and ability to assume responsibility.
Able and willing to assist co-worker, supervisors and clients in a cooperative & courteous manners.

Ability to develop and implement Financing, Manufacturer, Export-Import and Service Company that support business and financial objectives. My strong inter-personal skill will provide as a reliable, faster, optimize and effective rule for any company.

Work Experince

- continue

ACCF Bank Ltd.

COO & CFO 1. Strategy • As a true business partner to the CFO, assess organizational performance against both the annual budget and company’s long-term strategy. • Develop tools and systems to provide critical financial and operational information to the CEO and make actionable recommendations on both strategy and operations. • Engage the board finance, audit, and investment committees around issues, trends, and changes in the operating model(s) and operational delivery. • Assist in establishing yearly objectives and meeting agendas, and selecting and engaging outside consultants (auditors, investment advisors). • Oversee long-term budgetary planning and costs management in alignment with company National Nonprofit’s strategic plan. 2. Executive Management • Serve as a member of executive leadership team. • Participate in key decisions pertaining to strategic initiatives, operating model and operational execution. 3. Financial Planning and Analysis, 4. Accounting Activities, 5. Cash Management, 6. Corporate Development, 7. Insurance /Legal Affairs 8. Finance • Oversee cash flow planning and ensure availability of funds as needed. • Oversee cash, investment, and asset management. • Oversee financing strategies and activities, as well as banking relationships. • Develop and utilize forward-looking, predictive models and activity-based financial analyses to provide insight into the organization’s operations and business plans. • General Banking Management, Loan & advance Management 9. Planning, Policy, and Investor Relations • Coordinate the development and monitoring of budgets. • Develop financial business plans and forecasts. • Participate in corporate policy development as a member of the senior management team. • Engage the finance committee of the board of directors to develop short-, medium-, and long-term financial plans and projections. • Represent the company to financial partners, including financial institutions, investors, foundation executives, auditors, public officials, etc. • Remain up to date on nonprofit audit best practices and state and federal law regarding nonprofit operations. 10. Accounting and Administration • Oversee the accounting department to ensure proper maintenance of all accounting systems and function; supervise company nonprofit’s finance staff. • Ensure maintenance of appropriate internal controls and financial procedures. • Ensure timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of financial and management reporting for federal and state funders, foundations, and company nonprofit’s board of directors; oversee the preparation and communication of monthly and annual financial statements. • Coordinate audits and proper filing of tax returns. • Ensure legal and regulatory compliance regarding all financial functions.
- 2016

Azmiri Group-Azmiri Bazar & Azmiri Properties Ltd.

Head of Corporate Operation & Finance, MIS and ERP Supervises, directs, and reviews the all work of the accounts & finance related (cash & Bank reconciliations, accounts receivable transactions, fixed asset activity, payroll, accounts payable transactions, debt activity, recording of revenue and expenses, VAT, Tax, L/C. etc. along with budgeted accounts). Leading and monitoring the automation process by implementing ERP module for All Departments. To Design & Prepare ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System, MIS (Management Information System) Report, Support to organization for EMS management system & Labour Function. Perform gap analysis, Develop policy & Procedures, Train different level of employees, perform risk assessments and Internal Audit. Monitor E-Commerce Works, Ensure the best customer service. Plan for quicker delivery and dispatch. Coordinate the entire logistics Communication to Supplier and Customer.
- 2014

Shadhin Online (Public) Ltd.

GM & Company Secretary Finance & Accounts & Admin: Supervises, directs, and reviews the all work of the accounts & finance. Computerized Finance & Accounts, Cost Analyzing Report. Implemented various project. Workplace improvement projects to ensure safety, productivity, Quality of work, Control of workplace hazards and risk, emergency management and prevention of accidents /incidents and damage to property, Introduce and improvise: TQM (Total Quality Management), HRM (Human Resource Management), Monitor & Supervising Administration, HR & Management Department to ensure the smooth operation of the HR, Compliance and Admin Department in alignment with the business objectives of the organization, Taking action against responsible employees if complaints regarding misbehavior with customer are reported. To prepare and implement HR, Compliance and Admin policies as per local law and Evaluation; Monitoring Disciplinary & Grievance, employee relation issues as per law. Facilitate inspiring training program. Prepare Manpower budget for whole factory/Office; Inspire, attract, hire and retain skill talent and Ensure a modern, creative and congenial office environment; Monitoring Transportation & Communicate with Local Liaison Offices. For ensuring the overall Human Resources functions and business compliance to implement the overall business strategies. Implement and administer HR plan and policies and ensure effective utilization of human resources for achieving business objectives. All work of Legal Affairs and Preparing of Meeting Minutes. Other relevant works as deem necessary by the management.
- 2012

Destiny Group (Destiny-2000 Ltd., DMCSL, Air Destiny Ltd.)

Sr. Manager To supervise and monitor day-to-day initial work relating to finance and accounts. To Design & Prepare ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System, MIS (Management Information System) Report, Computerized Accounts, General Banking Management, Loan Management along with Sales, Marketing and Cost Analyzing Report. Confirmation transaction record, ledger, trail balance, branch accounts and submitted accounts to the Head of Group Accounts. To prepare Profit & Lost Accounts/Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash flow/Receipt & Payment Accounts, Budgeted Accounts. Implemented Member Management & Share Management System. Look after loan & advance and investment of housing & Land project. Branch Account controlling and supervising. Calculated Product Cost, Rate of Return & Profitability Analyzing.
- 2007

One Group

Sr. Accountant To supervise and control day-to-day initial work relating to accounting and financial matters such as voucher preparing, Ledger posting along with Loan, Tender, VAT & Tax, Cash and Bank A/c. Maintenance and preparing Cash Flow, Bank Reconciliation statement, Receipt & Payment Accounts, tender documentation and tender A/c. To prepare Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & Lost Accounts/Income Statement, Balance Sheet of the company. Calculated Costing-Product Cost, Sales & Marketing Cost, VAT & Tax etc. Prepared Report- MIS (Management Information System), Profit Ratio, BEP, Budget etc. Supported sister concern of the company-One Denim Mills Ltd., One Spinning Mills Ltd., One Consumers Ltd. Channel 1(TV) etc.
- 2004

Dandy Group

Head of ERP, MIS & IT Production, consumption, costing and confirmation day-to-day initial work on factory information. MIS (Management Information System) Report, Management Accounts, Costing & Budgetary report, Sales & Marketing report along with project profile, BEP, Profitably statement. Monitoring constant liaisons with sales & marketing teem for ensure supply management, sales management, inventory management. Looked after Software, Hardware, Networking and ERP System Development. Supported mother and sister concern of the company-Dandy Dyeing Ltd., Dandy Consumers Products Ltd., Sario CNG Filling Station, Dandy Marketing Co. Ltd. etc
- 2001

Martian Computer & Management System (BD) Ltd.

Asst. Programmer(Support & ERP) Support to the Users about Software, hardware & Network Management • Looked after Sales & Marketing, Promotion activities and IT related Works • Customized Software Application Analyzing, Designing, Coding, and implementing by using Visual Basic, MS Access, MS SQL Server with RDBMS.
- 2000

Bhuiyan Group

Business Executive Marketing Strategy and Analyzing. Promotion activities work planning. Analyzing historical sales data, customer demand feedback and Analyzing competitors’ strategies. Periodic Sales Target Fixing & Planning Making. Budgeting sales and marketing expenses and justifying, Marketing liaison with sales Department to achieve target. Monitor and Assisting Sales Team to plan sales strategies, Developing new sales group, channel and follow up sales, Finding ways and means to increase channel sales. Setting Wholes Sales and Retail Sales Price.



University of Chittagong

M.Com (Marketing) Marketing University of Chittagong . Grade: 2nd Class

The Govt. College of Commerce

M.Com. Commerce University of Chittagong . Grade: 2nd Class

Liberty Law College

L.LB. Law National University Grade: 2nd Class

Govt. College of Cox's Bazar

HSC. Commerce Comilla Grade: 2nd Division

Pekua G.M.C Institution

SSC. Science Comilla Grade: 2nd Division

Professional Skills Certifications

Course Name: FCGA

Institute: The Institute of Certified General Accountant of Bangladesh Duration: 2019

Course Name: CMA (Part)

Institute: The Institute of Cost & Management Accountant of Bangladesh Duration: 2008

Course Name: AM

Institute: Bangladesh Computer Society. Duration: 2003

I accepted all Terms & Condition of Job Dorkar Limited.

বিঃদ্রঃ - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক চাকুরি পাওয়ার পর আপনার প্রোফাইলটি Unpublished করে রাখুন, এতে চাকুরি দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপযুক্ত চাকুরি প্রার্থীকে খুজে পেতে সহজ হবে ।

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